What Schools Can Do

“As a school counselor, I find the books invaluable resources to use with parents. The information is solid, timely and relevant to raising kids in today’s environment. — Tara Vargas, Counselor in Portland, OR

After years of research and field-testing, we have found that the most effective way to create family-friendly school environments is by having parents connect with each other honestly and openly through discussion groups. Our easy-to-understand, Search Institute-approved parenting guides–Raising Our Daughters and Raising Our Sons–provide the perfect curriculum for those discussion groups. They are based on the 40 Developmental Assets and are organized with discussion questions so they can be self-led. That means counselors don’t have to facilitate the groups if they don’t want to . . . just emPower the parents and reap the benefits of their pro-active and competent parenting.

Want to take your passion for children another step further? Here are two additional ideas to get your juices flowing:

How Raising Our Sons/Daughters Parenting Groups Can Help And Why You Should Care

As a professional, you’ll get the following benefits:

  • Have resources at your fingertips with research-based materials from over 500 sources and 120 authors.
  • Educate groups of parents to parent effectively around child and adolescent issues rather than focusing on individual parents.
  • Lessen the workload on counselors, vice principals and other school staff by shifting parents from reactive parenting to proactive parenting.
  • Promote preventative school counseling.
  • Teach parents to prepare for the tween and teen years.
  • Share with the parent and school communities the importance of kids being bonded to home and school in order to prevent high-risk adolescent behaviors.
  • Build Developmental Assets for your school and community by sponsoring discussion groups based on our Guides.
  • Give direction to your PTA or PTSA by involving them in setting up discussion groups.
  • Help your school counselors or vice principal to participate with the local parent community by sponsoring Raising Our Sons and Raising Our Daughters groups.

Check out what other school professionals have to say about the value of Raising Our Daughters and Raising Our Sons