Fees and a Sample Day with Kathy Masarie, MD

Dr. Masarie’s fees vary depending upon your requests and location. In general, her fees range from $350 for a local parent talk to $1500/day for a 6-hour staff training plus one parent night (plus $ .50/mi., $45/day food, lodging). The fee will be established once decisions are made regarding the format of her presentations. Here are five samples of how you might utilize her time. Click here for details about scheduling Dr. Masarie for speaking engagements.

SAMPLE 1 (focusing on the school’s social climate)
  • Faculty Training/Workshop (2, 4 or 6 hrs.): “Addressing Verbal Bullying and Relational Aggression”
  • Evening Parent Presentation (1.5 – 2 hrs.):  “Stop the Bullying: Why Can’t Our Kids Just Get Along?”

SAMPLE 2 (half day focusing on community and Asset-building)

  • Morning Parent Presentation (1.5 – 2 hrs.):  “Raising Our Daughters and Sons Takes a Village”
  • Lunch: Discussion with Administrators and Counselors about “Community and Asset-Building”

SAMPLE 3 (full day, incl. students)

  • 6th-grade Classroom (40 students) AM Discussion (50 min.):  “Don’t Stand By, Stand Up,” “What Drives You to Do What You Do,” or “Seven Steps to Connect through Coaching”
  • Lunch: Discussion with Administrators, Counselors and interested staff about “Addressing Verbal Bullying and Relational Aggression”
  • 6th-grade Classroom PM (40 students) Discussion (50 min.): “Don’t Stand By, Stand Up” or another topic of your choice.
  • Evening Parent Presentation (1.5-2 hrs.): “Stop the Bullying: Why Can’t Our Kids Just Get Along?”

SAMPLE 4  (evening & morning parent talks)

  • Evening Parent Talk #1: “Raising Our Daughters”
  • Next Morning Parent Talk #2: “What About Boys?”

SAMPLE 5 (after-school staff training to learn the invaluable tool of Non-Violent Communication)

  • After-school Faculty Training:  “Communication for Understanding and Connection”
  • Next Morning Parent Talk: on any topic of your choosing

Click here for a comprehensive list of topics Dr. Masarie will speak about at your school, business or place of worship. To schedule an engagement or with questions, contact Dr. Masarie at kathy@family-empower.com or (503) 292-4162.