Part 4 of 5: Parenting Tips For Creating A Good Study Environment

An Important Question—Is Your Child a Visual or Auditory Learner?

“I get things done early or on time, but my daughter procrastinates and does everything last minute.”

Learning good study skills early can really help with the “homework blues.” Believe it or not, you can teach your child time management skills.  My friend, Marydee Sklar, a tutor and organizing coach, says the trick is to use strategies that match your child’s thinking.

She says, “If you’re a parent who is always on time and always plans ahead, your approach using prioritized lists and lecturing won’t work with a child who floats through time.  Your message will just go in one ear and out the other.  If you’re a parent who struggles with being on time and meeting deadlines and you have a child who is also challenged by these same issues, you may both have the same learning style.”

Marydee has found it useful to divide learners into visual or auditory thinkers, based upon behavioral characteristics.  By looking at behavior, she has clues about how the learner’s brain works. Which type is your child? Which type are you?  The learning style helps Marydee determine what kind of support to offer. [Read more…]