Supporting ALL Our Kids for a Quality Education

We Can Make the Difference When We Collaborate

I just heard that for the first time in the history of our country, this current generation of children will be less literate than the previous generation. And, as we all know, for the last several decades, we have not stacked up too well against 29 other industrialized nations, ranking 25th in math and 21st in science. US kids all falling behind in every category except confidence where they rate #1.

Where I heard this information was on the preview of a fantastic new movie coming out called Waiting for Superman. Check it out right now, even if you are busy. It made me cry, It made me want to storm the streets and say why and how did we let the education system get so bad for so many kids. A kids who doesn’t graduate high school is eight times more likely to go to prison. Is building more prisons the best answer we have to this problem?

What can we do?

  • Go see Waiting for Superman with a group at a discounted rate and be inspired.
  • Get involved in your school to make it the best it can be. Raise funds with your PTA so at least there will be more programs for the kids in your school, right now.
  • Let your kid’s teacher know how much you appreciate the work they do every day and help her/him out in every way you can.
  • Start a Parent Discussion Group using Raising Our Daughters/Sons focusing on how you, as a group, can contribute to make the school better. There are 100’s of ideas. You’ll know which ones are best for your families and your school.
  • Advocate for now and forever for school funding. It is incredibly valuable to change laws so school funding has a more stable base. No one advocates for children issues more effectively than Stand for Children
  • Join Stand for Children and donate your money and your time.They have six state chapters in Oregon, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Washington and you can help from wherever you live. Check out their site for their incredible success over and over again at mobilizing people who care about kids to pass legislation that benefits our kids.

Maybe now is the time. Maybe this movie, Waiting for Superman, will be the tipping point we need to wake up this nation to support our kids to succeed, so we can all thrive.

Do we have the courage to collaborate so this can happen? What are your ideas? Share them hear for all of us to see.

In admiration for all you do,
Dr Kathy